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  • Architects

    Antoni Gaudi

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    Antoni Gaudi

    Known as ‘God’s Architect’, Antoni Gaudi is known as a leader of the Spanish Art Nouveau. His gothic designs and architectural skills, coupled with intricate details are world-renowned. His projects, that include the Temple Expiatori la Sagrada Familia, hold a special place in the heart of Spaniards. Find out what inspired him and how his dedication and hard work led to him forging a successful career by doing what he loved most.

  • Architects

    Christopher Wren

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    Christopher Wren

    Christopher Wren had a long and illustrious career and is recognized for helping rebuild the city of London. He is highly regarded as one of the greatest and most influential architects in history. Fuelled with an abundance of inspiration and enthusiasm, explore how he prepared plans to reconstruct London after the Great Fire in 1666. As you stand on the streets of London, his legacy is on display all around, in the form of amazing structures and buildings that have stood the test of time, the most notable being St Paul’s Cathedral.

  • Architects

    Georges Haussmann

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    Georges Haussmann

    Revered as one of the great architects and men of Paris, Georges Haussmann worked for many years to create a new Paris that was loved by many. Today, the city is one of the most influential and cultural business centres in the world, as well as one of the most populous cities. Many of the famous monuments and buildings in Paris were developed by this amazing architect, whose designs have been credited as inspirations for various other cities around the world. He undoubtedly brought Paris into a new era and his story deserves to be heard.

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  • Architects

    Gustave Eiffel

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    Gustave Eiffel

    An opportunity with a railway company provided Alexandre Gustave Eiffel with an insight into the field of engineering. Having initially been interested in the fields of literature, history and chemistry, Gustave, as he was commonly known, had discovered his calling in life. He went on, to not only design great icons, such as the Eiffel Tower, but also bridges, which were constructed all over the world. He was undoubtedly a most gifted structural engineer. He is still respected today, for designing some of the world’s most famous structures, however, his finest masterpiece is the Eiffel Tower. It has survived two World Wars and is one of the most recognizable landmarks on earth, inspiring and delighting people of all ages.

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