
Showing all 29 results

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Would you like to have met Abraham Lincoln and had a discussion about his life and career? Embark on a fascinating journey with one of the most influential of all the American Presidents. From a log cabin to the White House, Abraham Lincoln became an amazing leader, who played a crucial role in the abolition of slavery. With little education, discover how this farm worker went on to become a lawyer and then the President of the USA. His story has been explored in many ways, however, in this title, you can gain a unique and personal insight into his inspirational life.

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    What was it like to be a prisoner in a Russian Concentration Camp during the days of Stalin? How did prisoners survive the dreadful cold of Siberia, where the camps were built? Aleksandr was one of those prisoners and he wrote books that the Communist rulers of Russia condemned. Follow his amazing story and discover how he survived. See how he led the way, as a champion for human rights.

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  • Explorers

    Arthur Phillip

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    Arthur Phillip

    Without Arthur Phillip, Sydney and the State of New South Wales might not have ever come to be! A modest man, he led eleven ships to Australia in 1788, setting up a new colony in a terrain that was both dangerous and unknown. Discover the true spirit of this great leader and learn how he turned a colony of convicts into an established society that has today become Australia.

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  • Benjamin Franklin

    Meet Benjamin Franklin, perhaps the most famous of all the Founding Fathers. His great story comes to life, as you travel with him from his early years, as part of a large family, to his time at the printing company with his brother James. This ultimately resulted in his journey to England and France, a turn of events that would define the rest of his life. His inspirational story unfurls through BioViews®.

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  • Leaders


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    Travel back to a time when the indigenous people of Australia wandered freely. One of them, Bennelong, was a senior man of the Eora Aboriginal Tribe. In this fascinating title, he shares his story of how the white men came to settle in Sydney. He played a role in assisting the settlers to communicate with the local people. Hear how the life of his people was to change forever and get an insight into his travels to England with Governor Arthur Phillip.

  • Catherine the Great

    Explore Catherine the Great’s revitalization of Russia. Famous for her many lovers, she was also a strong leader, who inspired loyalty and respect rather than fear and oppression – indeed she did not do things in a traditional manner. Catherine focused on the education of her people, establishing Saint Petersburg as a cultural centre of the country. Her achievements are all the more impressive, given she was not a native Russian.

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  • Leaders

    Cecil Rhodes

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    Cecil Rhodes

    Follow in the footsteps of Cecil Rhodes, who despite ill health went from cotton farmer to diamond magnate and founder of the state of Rhodesia. He was responsible for many educational reforms and became an activist for imperial expansion in the Cape Colony. DeBeers, the company he founded, is still a highly successful company. Discover how he came to accomplish so much, often with much adversity and in harsh conditions.

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  • Charles Perkins

    His Aboriginal name was Kumantjayi Perkins, however he is best known as Charles Perkins. He led a remarkable life and seized many opportunities along the way. Not only was he an internationally famous footballer, he continued to improve his life and became the first indigenous student to graduate from University. Born and raised in the aboriginal tradition, and well educated and skilled, he was ideally equipped to help bring about more understanding and integration. Charles became a national Aboriginal hero and a spokesman on their behalf, always looking for justice for the indigenous people.

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  • Entrepreneurs

    Coco Chanel

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    Coco Chanel

    Meet Coco Chanel! She was one of the most influential style icons of all time. Everyone knows the Chanel brand, but few know the inspirational rags-to-riches story behind it. Take a journey from a poor house in Saumur, to a convent, to the glitz and glamour of Paris, where Chanel opened her first shop. Be inspired by her great story, as it comes alive through BioViews®.

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  • Doctors & Nurses

    Ernesto Che Guevara

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    Ernesto Che Guevara

    Ernesto Che Guevara will long be remembered, as a passionate and celebrated revolutionary political leader. His image is legendary and is a symbol of freedom. A hero in the eyes of many people, Che was motivated by a deep compassion for the poverty-stricken people in his community. After receiving his medical degree, his career took a very different direction, when he decided to dedicate his life to revolutionary causes. His amazing story has been celebrated across the globe and his legacy lives on in film, literature, music, art, fashion and sport. This fascinating title from The Amazing People Club®, offers a very personal and in-depth look into Che’s world, as he spoke out for the rights of the people and the unjust treatment of the underprivileged.

  • Frederick Douglass

    Meet Frederick Douglass and discover the inspiring life story and achievements of an American social reformer, orator, writer and statesman. Once a slave himself, Douglass understood only too well the importance of freedom. He dedicated his whole life to fighting for it, eventually leading an abolitionist movement. Join Frederick Douglass on his journey from slavery to freedom, from the plantation fields in Maryland to the streets of New York City.

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  • George Washington

    George Washington grew up in the English colony of Virginia. He was tall and strong and respected by his friends and colleagues as a good leader. Discover what inspired him and get to know his great story.  As he grew older, George saw how England took advantage of the American colonies and he didn’t like it. When the colonies declared their independence, George was chosen to lead their army as its general. When the colonies finally won their freedom, George was elected to lead the great new nation as its first president.

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  • Harriet Tubman

    Gain a unique insight into the life of Harriet Tubman, who suffered horrific abuse whilst in slavery, until she escaped and set about rescuing slaves using an anti-slavery activist network known as the Underground Railroad. An amazing woman and civil rights leader, nicknamed ‘Moses’, her brave and heroic efforts led her people from slavery and the wilderness. Her campaign for women’s rights was trailblazing and nothing short of inspirational. Instead of enjoying her freedom in safety, she became the first woman to lead an armed Union Army expedition. She is famed for the raid on the Combahee River which led to the freeing of over 700 slaves. Explore her life in the form of a BioView®, it is as if she is sitting right beside you and telling her own story!

  • Humanitarians

    Irena Sendler

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    Irena Sendler

    We can all wonder what we would do if confronted with the dilemma of helping other people when doing so would jeopardise your own life. For Irena Sendler, there was never any doubt. With much courage and daring, she risked her own life to rescue Jewish children from the Nazi ghettos. It is estimated that about 2500 children were saved through her amazing and selfless efforts. There is much we can learn from her inspirational story.

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  • Leaders

    King Louis XV

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    King Louis XV

    Meet the unforgettable Louis XV, crowned King at the age of 5 and married at the age of 11, he was forced to grow up quick. He certainly took his duty to keep the family line going, quite seriously, and is famed for his many affairs and mistresses, over the years. The most famous of these was Madame de Pompadour, who had a great influence on his life. Discover his personal challenges and relationships and better understand what motivated him and enabled him to reign France for seventy-two years.

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  • Humanitarians

    Mahatma Gandhi

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    Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma meaning ‘great soul’ is the name by which we all know the inspirational Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi. In this unique life story from The Amazing People Club®, you are invited to share in the thoughts and mind-set of this resolute peace lover. His compassion and respect for those around him played a pivotal part in history, as he promoted non-violence towards all living beings. During his life, he endured many hardships in his ambition to free the people of India and obtain equal rights. There is much that we can learn from this amazing character who is fondly remembered as the Father of the Indian Independence Movement.

  • Leaders

    Martin Luther

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    Martin Luther

    Harbouring a strong belief that God is the ultimate judge, Martin Luther challenged the abuse of the power of the Church. Travel back in time with this pioneer of Christianity and be inspired by his determination to enlighten the people even though he was excommunicated from the Church and declared a convicted heretic. The Amazing People Club® takes you on his avid journey in search of truth and explores how his determination and courage conquered adversity and founded the Protestant Reformation. He opposed the tradition that all Church Ministers could not marry and even married a Nun himself. Hearing his amazing life story will indeed encourage most of us to do some of our own soul searching.

  • Humanitarians

    Mother Teresa

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    Mother Teresa

    A beacon of hope, humanity and compassion to all, Mother Teresa’s personal story will inspire many a listener. With a rare sense of destiny and courage, Mother Teresa left her native Albania to pursue the vocation of teaching in Calcutta, India. Unable to ignore the desperation of the needy and sick, Mother Teresa became a missionary. Today, she is credited with helping hundreds of thousands of the world’s poorest people and is recognized as the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta by the Catholic Church.

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  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Nicknamed ‘the Little Corporal’ due to his short stature, Napoleon Bonaparte is regarded as one of the most ruthless and greatest military leaders of all time. During his reign, he experienced great victories and devastating defeats. His policies and practice shaped European politics in the 19th Century, and he had a major impact on France after the French Revolution, bringing about order to the country via the ‘Napoleonic Code’. Gain a personal insight into his military campaigns, as well as his personal life and relationships.

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  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell lived an extraordinary life as an English military, political and religious leader. He was both powerful and influential and gathered a strong army of men whom he named the ‘New Model Army’ , that went on to win many important battles. He rose from obscurity to the position of head of state as Lord Protector and also assisted in making England into a republican Commonwealth.

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  • Humanitarians

    Oskar Schindler

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    Oskar Schindler

    Be inspired by Oskar Schindler; the great saviour of persecuted Jews, as he tells his own incredible story. Following a complicated early life full of unsuccessful business ventures and several changes of jobs during the Great Depression, a job as a spy for the Abwehr led to Schindler joining the Nazi Party in 1939. Seeking to gain profit from the invasion of Poland, Oskar bought a repossessed enamel factory and with the help of Itzhak Stern, his Jewish accountant, employed a 1000-strong workforce made up of Jewish forced labourers. Schindler’s factory became a haven for Jewish workers away from the evil regime of the nearby concentration camp and Schindler himself became appalled at the killing of Jews in the camp. Through daring bravery, bribery and charm, Schindler managed to save 1200 Jews from certain death at great personal risk and at great personal cost. This BioView® offers a unique way of learning from this amazing life.

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  • Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth 1st, the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, was a truly amazing leader. Experience how she overcame political, religious and family turmoil in her younger years to become the Queen of England. Well educated and fluent in six languages, she used her intelligence and determination to ensure the country continued to flourish and prosper.

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  • Queen Victoria

    At the age of 18, Queen Victoria came to the throne.  Over the course of her reign her popularity grew, as she continued to show strength and courage, surviving seven attempts that were made on her life.  She used her influence to support peace and reconciliation.  Queen Victoria, a mother of nine was also known as the Empress of India, for her strong support of the Empire.  She is the longest reigning royal in British history.

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  • Robert Baden Powell

    Robert Baden-Powell was a war hero and a respected soldier. Mostly known for having founded the Boy Scout and Girl Guide organizations, he also made many contributions to educational and social reforms. ‘Doing good’ and showing kindness to others, was central in all of his projects. He was a firm believer in action learning, taking responsibility and self-development. Robert was a great leader and there is much that we can learn from his adventurous approach and innovative thinking.

  • Leaders

    Shizue Kato

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    Shizue Kato

    Should women get special attention in health matters? This fascinating story brings you face to face with the realities of life and death for women, in the days before medical services had developed. Shizue Kato, a lady from Japan, was born in 1897. She decided to help women with advice on contraception, as there were few doctors. Those that were qualified were men, and women were reluctant to talk about such matters. Follow the amazing journey of Shizue and how she helped women.

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  • Thomas Jefferson

    As third President of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson greatly influenced the development of that nation. Among other things, he was the principal author of the ‘Declaration of Independence’. A highly intelligent and talented individual, Thomas showed expertise in horticulture, archaeology, palaeontology and was also known as a political philosopher. His purported love affair with slave girl Sally Hemings, has long been a topic of much debate. In this exciting title from The Amazing People Club®, gain an up-close and personal insight into the life of this great and passionate leader.

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  • William The Conqueror

    William The Conqueror was also known as William I, King of England and Duke of Normandy. He was an innovator who brought a Norman-French culture to England during his reign. He replaced the English language, built many castles and appointed well educated men within the church, who would later serve as his administrators. His great story comes alive in this great title from The Amazing People Club®.

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  • William Wilberforce

    He spoke for those who could not and led a movement that would change the world. In this fascinating title from the Amazing People Club®, you are invited into the life of this inspirational man who dedicated his life to social reform and the abolition of slavery. William was also a loving and devoted husband and father to his six children. Discover what motivated him to continue on his campaign with his philosophy that all men are born equal. His efforts were tireless and he also fought with passion for better education, prison reforms and ending child labour, as well as co-founding the RSPCA. He has changed our world in many ways and his amazing story should be known to all.

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  • Winston Churchill

    Remembered by many, as one of the greatest British leaders of the 20th Century, Winston Churchill had an inherent drive to achieve his highest potential throughout his life. In this fascinating title from The Amazing People Club®, get an insight into the extraordinary life of the man who held the post of Prime Minister of Britain. He had a great thirst for adventure which led him to pursue journalistic travels, where he penned great writings. He also had a keen interest in art and used it as his saviour for when he experienced some of his darker and depressed moments, which he described as ‘the black dog’.

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